
Paul Cuny


Author of two books “Secrets of the Kingdom Economy”, an overview of the practical application of the economic system of the Kingdom which is now published in 5 languages, and “Nehemiah People” which challenges leaders in the 21st Century to discover God’s destiny and purpose through the template of the Book of Nehemiah.


Nehemian People


The world is looking for solutions and the men and women of our generation with the heart and spirit of Nehemiah are the ones who carry those solutions. Nehemiah People issues the clarion call for you to be God’s agents of change in our day.

Secrets of the Kingdom Economy


Secrets of the Kingdom Economy reveals the timeless principles of the economic system God established for His people, beginning with the Exodus. It is filled with biblical and prophetic insight, as well as, rich illustrations of the how to’s.


Global Leadership for the 21st Century

Los Angeles Global Call2Business

Paul Wilbur’s prophetic conference with Chuck Pierce, Dr. Michael Brown, and Paul Cuny.

Los Angeles Global Call2Business

Paul Wilbur’s prophetic conference with Chuck Pierce, Dr. Michael Brown, and Paul Cuny.

Los Angeles Global Call2Business

Paul Wilbur’s prophetic conference with Chuck Pierce, Dr. Michael Brown, and Paul Cuny.

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